- margin : length or percentage or auto;
- margin-top a:link list-style
- margin-left a:visited list-style-image
- margin-right a:hover list-style-image-position
- margin-bottom a:focus list-style-image-type
- padding-top : length or percentage Css Anchor, Link height
- padding-left a.column1:link line-height
- padding-right Css Border max-height
- padding-bottom border min-height
- color : red or #2398 or rgb(,,) border-style max-width
- letter-spacing : normal or length border-width min-width
- text-align: left or center or right or justify border-bottom Css Classification
- text-decoration: underline or overline or line through or blink border-bottom-color clear
- text-indent : length or percentage border-bottom-style cursor
- text-transform: none or capitalize or lowercase border-bottom-width display
- white-space: normal or pre or nowrap border-right float
- word-spacing: normal or length border-right-color overflow
- Font border-right-style visibility
- font border-right-width z-index
- font-family border-left Css Positioning
- font-size border-left-color position
- font-style border-left-style Css Psuedo Elements
- font-variant border-left-width p:first-line
- font-weight border-top p.special:first-line
- Css Background border-top-color p-first-letter
- background border-top-style
- background-color border-top-width
- background-image
- background-position
- background-repeat
Multimedia and Web Technology (Code 067) Learning Objectives: 1. To get proficient in WEB Development using HTML/XML 2. To be able to write server & client scripts. 3. To get proficient in Web Management 4. To get proficient in creating Web Site 5. To design Graphical images using Image-Editing tools 6. To get proficient in audio & video capture and editing using software tools 7. To create and publish a self-contained multimedia CD-ROM using multimedia authoring tool 8. To develop ability to use the Open Source Technology. 9. To develop ability to localize software applications. Competencies: The student will become proficient in the following: 1. Managing Self Developed web-site 2. Management of a full-fledged web portal 3. Creation & Editing of graphical images. 4. Capturing, Creating and Editing Audio and Video through external devices. 5. Embedding images & video into a presentation. Class XI (Theory) Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70 Unit No. ...
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