Multimedia and Web Technology (Code 067)
Learning Objectives:
1. To get proficient in WEB Development using HTML/XML
2. To be able to write server & client scripts.
3. To get proficient in Web Management
4. To get proficient in creating Web Site
5. To design Graphical images using Image-Editing tools
6. To get proficient in audio & video capture and editing using software tools
7. To create and publish a self-contained multimedia CD-ROM using multimedia authoring
8. To develop ability to use the Open Source Technology.
9. To develop ability to localize software applications.
The student will become proficient in the following:
1. Managing Self Developed web-site
2. Management of a full-fledged web portal
3. Creation & Editing of graphical images.
4. Capturing, Creating and Editing Audio and Video through external devices.
5. Embedding images & video into a presentation.
Class XI (Theory)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70
Unit No. Unit Name Marks
Unit 1: Computer System
Introduction to Computer, Input Devices – Keyboards, Mouse, Joy stick, Mic, Camera; Output
Devices – Monitor, Printer, Speaker, Plotter;
Memory Units – Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Giga byte, tera byte;
Primary Memory – RAM and ROM;
Secondary Storage devices – Floppy Disk, Hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, Zip Drive, DAT Drive;
Power devices – UPS;
Software – System Software, Application Software, Utility Software;
Working on computers – switching on computer, booting computer; icons, shortcuts, taskbar,
mouse pointer; typing, saving and printing a simple text file, drawing simple picture using
MSPaint, using calculator option, customizing desktop, windows explorer, managing folders
(creating, moving, deleting, renaming); using floppy disk drive, using CD/DVD drives;
managing files (copying, moving, deleting, renaming); playing audio and video;
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GUI Operating System
Important: Students/Teachers can also perform similar operation on any operating system. It is advised that
the teacher while using any one operating system, give a demonstration of equivalent features for the other
operating system.
General features, Elements of Desktop - Taskbar, Icon, Start button, Shortcuts, Folder,
Recycle Bin, My Computer;
Start Menu: Program, Documents, Settings, Find/Search, Help, Run, ShutDown/Logoff;
Customization of Taskbar, Start menu, Display properties (Wallpaper, Font Settings, Color
Settings, Screen Savers);
Program Menu: Accessories - Calculator, Notepad, Paint, Word pad, Entertainments (CD
Player, Sound Recorder, Media Player, Volume Controller);
Browsers: Mozila Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator;
Control Panel: Add new hardware; Add new Software, Printer Installation, Date/Time, Mouse,
and Regional Settings;
Purpose of using word processing software, opening a new/existing document, closing a
document, typing in a document, saving a document, print preview, printing a document,
setting up of page as per the specifications, selecting a portion of document, copying
selected text, cutting selected text, pasting selected text; changing font, size, style, color of
text; Inserting symbol; Formatting: Alignment – Left, Right, Center; Justification;
Unit 2: Web Development
WebPages; Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Domain
Names; URL; Protocol Address; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting.
Introduction, Objectives, Introduction to Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - Fragment
Identifiers and Relative URI’s, History of HTML, SGML, Structure of HTML/DHTML
Document, Switching between opened Windows and browser (Container tag, Empty tag,
Basic Tags of HTML: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Setting the Fore color and Background
color, Background Image, Background Sound), Heading tag (H1 to H6) and attributes
(ALIGN), FONT tag and Attributes (Size: 1 to 7 Levels, BASEFONT, SMALL, BIG, COLOR),
P, BR, Comment in HTML (), Formatting Text (B, I, U, EM, BLOCKQUOTE,
PREFORMATTED, SUB, SUP, STRIKE), Ordered List- OL (LI, Type- 1, I, A, a; START,
VALUE), Unordered List - UL (Bullet Type- Disc, Circle, Square, DL, DT, DD), ADDRESS
Creating Links: Link to other HTML documents or data objects, Links to other places in the
same HTML documents, Links to places in other HTML documents;
Anchor Tag and , Inserting Inline Images
Web Page Authoring Using HTML
Tables: Creating Tables, Border, TH, TR, TD, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, WIDTH,
Frames: Percentage dimensions, Relative dimensions, Frame – Src, Frameborder, height
and width, Creating two or more rows Frames , Creating two or more
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Columns Frames , ,, ;
Forms: Definition, Use – Written to a file, Submitted to a database such as MSAccess
or Oracle, E-mailed to someone in particular, Forms involve two-way communication;
Form Tags: FORM, , , METHOD,
Document Object Model
Concept and Importance of Document Object Model, Dynamic HTML documents and
Document Object Model.
Cascading Style Sheets
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), three ways of introducing the style sheets to
your document. Basic Syntax; Creating and saving cascading style sheets.
Learning Objectives:
1. To get proficient in WEB Development using HTML/XML
2. To be able to write server & client scripts.
3. To get proficient in Web Management
4. To get proficient in creating Web Site
5. To design Graphical images using Image-Editing tools
6. To get proficient in audio & video capture and editing using software tools
7. To create and publish a self-contained multimedia CD-ROM using multimedia authoring
8. To develop ability to use the Open Source Technology.
9. To develop ability to localize software applications.
The student will become proficient in the following:
1. Managing Self Developed web-site
2. Management of a full-fledged web portal
3. Creation & Editing of graphical images.
4. Capturing, Creating and Editing Audio and Video through external devices.
5. Embedding images & video into a presentation.
Class XI (Theory)
Duration: 3 hours Total Marks: 70
Unit No. Unit Name Marks
Unit 1: Computer System
Introduction to Computer, Input Devices – Keyboards, Mouse, Joy stick, Mic, Camera; Output
Devices – Monitor, Printer, Speaker, Plotter;
Memory Units – Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Giga byte, tera byte;
Primary Memory – RAM and ROM;
Secondary Storage devices – Floppy Disk, Hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, Zip Drive, DAT Drive;
Power devices – UPS;
Software – System Software, Application Software, Utility Software;
Working on computers – switching on computer, booting computer; icons, shortcuts, taskbar,
mouse pointer; typing, saving and printing a simple text file, drawing simple picture using
MSPaint, using calculator option, customizing desktop, windows explorer, managing folders
(creating, moving, deleting, renaming); using floppy disk drive, using CD/DVD drives;
managing files (copying, moving, deleting, renaming); playing audio and video;
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GUI Operating System
Important: Students/Teachers can also perform similar operation on any operating system. It is advised that
the teacher while using any one operating system, give a demonstration of equivalent features for the other
operating system.
General features, Elements of Desktop - Taskbar, Icon, Start button, Shortcuts, Folder,
Recycle Bin, My Computer;
Start Menu: Program, Documents, Settings, Find/Search, Help, Run, ShutDown/Logoff;
Customization of Taskbar, Start menu, Display properties (Wallpaper, Font Settings, Color
Settings, Screen Savers);
Program Menu: Accessories - Calculator, Notepad, Paint, Word pad, Entertainments (CD
Player, Sound Recorder, Media Player, Volume Controller);
Browsers: Mozila Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator;
Control Panel: Add new hardware; Add new Software, Printer Installation, Date/Time, Mouse,
and Regional Settings;
Purpose of using word processing software, opening a new/existing document, closing a
document, typing in a document, saving a document, print preview, printing a document,
setting up of page as per the specifications, selecting a portion of document, copying
selected text, cutting selected text, pasting selected text; changing font, size, style, color of
text; Inserting symbol; Formatting: Alignment – Left, Right, Center; Justification;
Unit 2: Web Development
WebPages; Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP); File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Domain
Names; URL; Protocol Address; Website, Web browser, Web Servers; Web Hosting.
Introduction, Objectives, Introduction to Universal Resource Identifier (URI) - Fragment
Identifiers and Relative URI’s, History of HTML, SGML, Structure of HTML/DHTML
Document, Switching between opened Windows and browser (Container tag, Empty tag,
Basic Tags of HTML: HTML, HEAD, TITLE, BODY (Setting the Fore color and Background
color, Background Image, Background Sound), Heading tag (H1 to H6) and attributes
(ALIGN), FONT tag and Attributes (Size: 1 to 7 Levels, BASEFONT, SMALL, BIG, COLOR),
P, BR, Comment in HTML (), Formatting Text (B, I, U, EM, BLOCKQUOTE,
PREFORMATTED, SUB, SUP, STRIKE), Ordered List- OL (LI, Type- 1, I, A, a; START,
VALUE), Unordered List - UL (Bullet Type- Disc, Circle, Square, DL, DT, DD), ADDRESS
Creating Links: Link to other HTML documents or data objects, Links to other places in the
same HTML documents, Links to places in other HTML documents;
Anchor Tag and , Inserting Inline Images
Web Page Authoring Using HTML
Tables: Creating Tables, Border, TH, TR, TD, CELLSPACING, CELLPADDING, WIDTH,
Frames: Percentage dimensions, Relative dimensions, Frame – Src, Frameborder, height
and width, Creating two or more rows Frames , Creating two or more
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Columns Frames , ,
Forms: Definition, Use – Written to a file, Submitted to a database such as MSAccess
or Oracle, E-mailed to someone in particular, Forms involve two-way communication;
Form Tags: FORM, , , METHOD,
Document Object Model
Concept and Importance of Document Object Model, Dynamic HTML documents and
Document Object Model.
Cascading Style Sheets
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), three ways of introducing the style sheets to
your document. Basic Syntax; Creating and saving cascading style sheets.
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